Hello, my name is Paul Grayson, and this is my personal page on the web.

I am in charge of IT at and one of the founders of Pololu Robotics and Electronics, a manufacturer and online retailer in Las Vegas, Nevada. Earlier, I grew up in Urbana, Illinois (that’s my photo on Wikipedia!), went to high school at Uni, did college at MIT, and (apparently imitating Jodie Foster in Contact) received a Ph.D. in physics from Caltech. Lately much of my time is occupied with homeschooling my three kids, and I am particularly interested in the intersection of science, computers, and education.

I do not update this page very often!

You might want to look at my (old) academic research or (most even older) random thoughts.

Places you might find me:

Some sites I maintain:

  • pin1yin1.com — a Chinese pronunciation converter.
  • a weather station — the current weather in Henderson, NV, served up by a Raspberry Pi model B+. (Thanks, FreeDNS, for the dynamic DNS!)
  • Simple pages — an easy starting point for building a site like this one, using Jekyll on Windows or Linux.
